
Child Development Protection Unit

Office chanchin:

  • Integrated Child Protection Scheme(ICPS): Sorkar in a a hna duan niin India sorkar in naupangte himna, chhawmdawlna leh venhimna, thangtharte hmathlir dan dik kawhhmuh a harsatna an neih te puih hi a thil tum ber a ni.
  • Cardinal principles of ‘protection of child rights’ leh ‘best interest of the child’ behchhana siam a ni.

ICPS thil tum:

  • Zirna leh an hmakhua thlir thiamna ur siam sak.
  • An thiamna peipun.
  • Naupangte hriatna ti zau tura hriatzauna thil dahthatna siam.
  • In chhungkhurah leh khawtlangah naupang venhimna kalpui.
  • Naupang hriselna kawngah a thathei ang bera hma lak.
  • Vantlang mawhphurhna kawnga inzirtirna neih.

Hmalakna te:

  • Naupang venhim ngai leh enkawl ngai (CNCP)
  • Naupang dankalha awm te (CCL)
  • Naupang Dan in a hremna siam sak te
District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) hnuaia hnathawktu hrang hrangte:
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Mary Lalremruati District Child Protection Officer
2 PC. Malsawmtluangi Protection Officer (IC)
3 Zohlimpuii Hmar Protection Officer (NIC)
4 VL Hmachhuana Khiangte Legal – cum – Probation Officer
5 Vanlalhruaii Accountant
6 N. Darchhingpuii Counselor
7 C. Lalruatkimi Data Analyst
8 K. Lalliantluanga Social Worker-I
9 B. Lalngaihawmi Social Worker-II
10 Richard Hmingthanzama Asst. cum Data Entry Operator (DCPU)
11 C. Malsawmtluanga Asst. cum Data Entry Operator(JJB)
12 Mercy Lalhmangaihzuali Asst. cum Data Entry Operator (CWC)
13 Lalchawiliani Outreach Worker-I
14 Vasty Roneihkimi Outreach Worker-II
15 Lalpuiliana Outreach Worker-III

ICPS hnuaia hmathlir:

  1. Childline : 1098 ( toll free) / 9774222275
  2.  Zirna huamloh Chhungkaw inrelbawlna:
    1. Chawmtu
    2. Fahrawn enkawlna
    3. Naupang enkawlna kawnga inkaihhruaina
    4. A hnua inenkawl zuina
    5. Fa lak
      1. Chhungte’n a an lak
      2. Nuhrawn/Pahrawn lak
      3. Fahrawn anga lak
      4. Fa lak kawnga buaipuitu
      5. Naute enkawlna bik
  3. Hnuchham chawmna:
    1. Hnuchham in
    2. inhumhimna 
    3. Naupang enkawlna in
    4. A bika siam naupang enkawlna
    5. A bika naupang enkawl ngaite awmna:
      1. Naupang rilru kim lo enkawlna
      2. Naupang rualbanlo enkawlna
      3. Naupang rik rap tawk enkawlna